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5 Simple steps to start falling in love with yourself!

💓 5 simple steps to start falling in love with yourself 💓 1. Reconnect with your passions Spend time doing things you loved as a child—these often hold clues to your authentic self. I struggle making time for myself so this one's tough for me, but so worth it! 2. Practice self-compassion. Talk to yourself like you would a close friend. Talk to yourself like you would a close friend. Forgive yourself for those things that make you cringe at 2 am when you can't sleep. 3. Nurture your body and what makes you feel good. Prioritize yourself and what makes your brain and body light up and feel energized. Of course self care is not all about bubble baths and face masks, but pampering yourself every once in a while can be great, too! 4. Set healthy boundaries. Another one super hard for me. Learning to say no, let go of toxic people and things in my life, and surround myself with only those who uplift me. Do you struggle with this as well? Time and practice makes better! 5. Celebr...

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